Monday 12 May 2008


In this blog here is my work for Cumputersystems (Unit 2)
That includes :

This is my M3

Before the computer maintenance check-up the computer will act in the following wais.

What is Defragmentation?
Defragmentation means moving files where they are not suppose to be so the defragmentation organizes the files. The computer will find files after that much more faster.

Before Defrag
The computer before defrag the computer will be very slow because the hard drive is confused of where to find all the data, the data will be all offer the hard drive that’s why the computer has trouble to find the information that you have requested.

After defragmentation.
After defragmentation the speed of my pc is much faster and the files are more organized. And the hard drive will recognize the files much faster.

What does compressing mean?
Compressing is making a file or files smaller to fit a certain destination.

Before compressing the files the data will be big because the data is still not compressed and the file is still in his original form and the file is a bit smaller after compressing when you compress you can compress multiple wiles in to one compressed big file. It also makes less space and les files on your pc.

After compressing

After compressing the data is much smaller but it all depends on what kind of file you want to compress.

What does backup mean?
Backup mens to store all your important files some ware save incise something happens you could always get your files back.

Backup is very important for your pc because if you don’t have a backup and something goes wrong it is a likely chance that you have lost all your files that’s why the backup is important. The backup contains important of your work and also of windows xp and all the other programs that you have on your pc if something goes really bad you could always use the backup instead of installing windows xp and all the programs one by one.

After backup
After backup the computer owner doesn’t need to be worry about loosing his files because he has a backup.


In the document I’m going to show how to install and configure a DVD drive. The following steps will show you how to do it.

1. You disable all the cables so that there is no electricity, connected to your pc.

The circles shows where the DVD drive has to go.

2. Put in the DVD drive in the case.

And screw it to the case.

3. connect the cable with a power supply at the back of the DVD drive.

You will have to put the pun in master that is the right one

After the power supply cable connect it to the dvd drive

Connect the ide cable to you motherboard.

Connect it to the ide conector and it makes it master

Then connect cable to the ide cable to your DVD drive

4. connect all the cables and turn your pc on.

And you will get that the dvd drive popup that your pc has found a DVD drive and then it will show you that the DVD drive is installed and configured correctly.

connect the cable with a power supply at the back of the DVD drive.

You will have to put the pun in master that is the right one

After the power supply cable connect it to the dvd drive

Connect the ide cable to you motherboard.

Connect it to the ide conector and it makes it master

Then connect cable to the ide cable to your DVD drive

connect all the cables and turn your pc on.

And you will get that the dvd drive popup that your pc has found a DVD drive and then it will show you that the DVD drive is installed and configured correctly.
file://Z:\unit 2 computer system\m1.doc