Monday 12 May 2008


In the document I’m going to show how to install and configure a DVD drive. The following steps will show you how to do it.

1. You disable all the cables so that there is no electricity, connected to your pc.

The circles shows where the DVD drive has to go.

2. Put in the DVD drive in the case.

And screw it to the case.

3. connect the cable with a power supply at the back of the DVD drive.

You will have to put the pun in master that is the right one

After the power supply cable connect it to the dvd drive

Connect the ide cable to you motherboard.

Connect it to the ide conector and it makes it master

Then connect cable to the ide cable to your DVD drive

4. connect all the cables and turn your pc on.

And you will get that the dvd drive popup that your pc has found a DVD drive and then it will show you that the DVD drive is installed and configured correctly.

connect the cable with a power supply at the back of the DVD drive.

You will have to put the pun in master that is the right one

After the power supply cable connect it to the dvd drive

Connect the ide cable to you motherboard.

Connect it to the ide conector and it makes it master

Then connect cable to the ide cable to your DVD drive

connect all the cables and turn your pc on.

And you will get that the dvd drive popup that your pc has found a DVD drive and then it will show you that the DVD drive is installed and configured correctly.

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